Title: Success
domfangirlStarring: Lincoln and Veronica
Category: Double Drabble
Rating: R (for a little sexing)
Summary: It's the end, so Lincoln tries to go out on top.
Author’s Notes: Written for the
Dirty Double Drabbles at
pbhiatus_fic, though it's not so dirty as it is angsty... However, it is exactly 200 words, yay me! Also, this is a very late birthday gift for
miss_vacant. I intended it to be a lot longer and more in depth, but I think I was lucky to squeeze out 200 words about this pair. *pokes muse*
The only time he truly pleases the woman he loves is when they are naked together, so he tries to get them that way as often as possible. Sweat gathers across their bodies, the build up to the explosion slow since he is exercising patience. He wants her to beg him for it.
This is what they’ve always been good at together; or perhaps, he concedes, it’s where his talents lie, so Veronica always let him lead in that department. He knows she’s leaving-this time not Chicago for Texas, but leaving him, for something, anything better. Something more uptown. She hasn’t said it yet, but he can feel it.
In the past, she’d never really believed his actions reflected what was inside him; she’d made excuses for the hard things in his life, but she can no longer ignore the obvious, and they fight almost as often as they make love.
Tonight, he wants to remember how it feels when she really wants him, when her fingers clutch at him and her body holds his snugly, when she moans his name.
More than anything else, he wants success one last time so when she leaves, he is still on top.