
Jun 30, 2008 15:16

Title: Altruism
Author: domfangirl
Starring: Boone Carlyle/Shannon Rutherford
Category: Drabble-ish
Rating: R
Summary: Boone’s POV when he and Shannon have sex.
Author’s Notes: At the beginning of the month I did a writing exercise where I asked for prompts for drabbles. I just thought I should compile them all to their respective places. This came from saestina’s ( Read more... )

boone/shannon, lost

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youcallitwinter June 14 2011, 21:20:42 UTC
Oh, god I love you for this. Even though this is like anti shannon/boone, it's so subtle and evocative in just a few lines, I don't even. The whole last paragraph I just felt, and I'm just breaking for Boone here (as cheesy as that sounds), because honestly, you can see he's the kind of guy who probably had everything, money, looks, intelligence and then he goes and falls for his sister, and it's that much more devastating. I know you won't write them, but if you ever decide to, I'll be the first one to read it!

[AND I LOVE YOU FOR TELLING ME YOUR LOST THOUGHTS, because I'd been watching it with the 'eh, I'll just get disappointed' sort of mindset, but you've made watching it fun again. It's just so interesting right now and the backstories are gripping, I really hope it carries on- and I'd love to see how Sawyer develops; he hasn't had much of a role yet!]


badboy_fangirl June 14 2011, 23:42:55 UTC
Oh yay! *bounces* Maybe I'll write you Boone fic if you write me the angsty sexy D/E fic I need desperately.

We'll work it out!

I think the most important thing to remember while watching LOST is that it's the questions they ask that are important, not the answers they give. A lot of haters got wrapped up in the Polar Bear details, or the Numbers details, or various other stuff, that to my mind was answered sufficiently. But there are some things in life we don't get answers to--that's the nature of the beast. I liked that this show was willing to ask hard questions and not necessarily provide answers--but instead make you work it out for yourself. So keep that in mind.

Also, keep in mind that Ian based Damon off of Sawyer. It makes his arc even more interesting!


youcallitwinter June 15 2011, 07:19:23 UTC
Haha, I've never done a fic-exchange, I'm always much too afraid of disappointing :P

I LOVE YOU ICON. And I think what you said is really good advice, that happens a lot in shows where there are so many storylines and so many different theoretical models; there are some details that are bound to get lost in translation and some things that probably won't be explained, so I suppose it's important to look at the ride! And I did read a lot about how LOST was bringing up so many topics of discussion which usually shows don't bother with (because they're probably afraid of losing their viewer base that doesn't want to think about the show; just watch it and get done with it).

I do remember Ian saying that in interviews! Damon is based off Sawyer, Jack Nicholson, and Jim Morrison, HOW AWESOME IS THIS GUY AGAIN?!


badboy_fangirl June 15 2011, 17:01:51 UTC
I truly hope all my LOST information is interesting to you because I could probably go on for days...

Something that's very interesting is that partway through S3, Damon and Carlton (the head writers) determined that they couldn't tell stories indefinitely. LOST was a hit show and a moneymaker but they needed an end-date so they could build toward what they knew had to happen to wrap things up, and they could only do that once they knew how many seasons they were going to do--so that's why the first three seasons are 22-24 episodes long and the last three are about 16-18 eps each. In a lot of ways I think I loved the show as much as I did because they got to be true to their storytelling. The suits didn't get to tell them every single thing they could or couldn't do and unlike another show I loved but was destroyed by its network, Prison Break, they knew when to end the story before it got ridiculous.

Haha, I've never done a fic-exchange, I'm always much too afraid of disappointing :PThat's crazy! Honey, you've got to OWN how good ( ... )


youcallitwinter June 15 2011, 19:07:20 UTC
THAT TOTALLY WON ME OVER. I've seen shows start off spectacularly and then deteriorate because they're getting really high TRP's and the producers don't want to end their money-maker, but if you've got nothing to say, it shows. Adding all sorts of ridiculous plot twists to keep the story going just makes it painful for the people watching, especially if it's something you'd actually loved (like Prison Break sounds for you, although I've never seen it myself!)

YOU'RE BEING MUCH TOO NICE TO ME, I'LL GET A SWOLLEN HEAD. But honestly, I'm really not that good. I'm far too impatient to actually be good, and I get easily distracted, so I try to complete everything I'm writing within an hour or so. This is also why I hate almost everything I've written, because there's so much more that was supposed to be in it, but I got too lazy to try and make episodic connections between scenes. But I'm so glad you like the stuff anyway, because I genuinely do like exploring and writing and to think that someone might actually want to read it is always ( ... )


Re: badboy_fangirl June 15 2011, 22:10:35 UTC
I'm really not that good. I'm far too impatient to actually be good, and I get easily distracted, so I try to complete everything I'm writing within an hour or so.This actually makes me jealous because I'm imagining how much better your stuff will be as you get a little older, and as you learn to take more time and rewrite a little. These are trade secrets, but they're also what makes mediocre writers better (and at 19-20, I was nothing if not mediocre ( ... )


youcallitwinter June 16 2011, 14:51:42 UTC
I love it that people take up big writing projects, it makes the fandom a happy place and gives us slackers something to enjoy :D I've already done your prompt *hides face* I do this, make a huge fuss and then do it D: (besides I want fic from you, that was MAJOR incentive!) I was going to tell you to not write my fic till I'd written yours for safety. But then I went ahead and wrote it, hopefully, it doesn't suck, the prompt was absolutely lovely! <3


badboy_fangirl June 16 2011, 16:26:49 UTC
Remind me where you are in the LOST narrative? What's the last episode you've seen?


youcallitwinter June 16 2011, 18:54:50 UTC
I think I should've finished the first season in a couple of days! I'm going on vacation for a bit so interrupted watching schedule, ugh D:


badboy_fangirl June 16 2011, 20:14:00 UTC
Well, then, can you remember what episode you're referring to when you said Locke asks Shannon about Sayid and she thinks he's speaking about Boone? I'd like to not have to rewatch the whole first season searching for it, if possible :D


youcallitwinter June 16 2011, 20:48:43 UTC
Hahaha, yeah, sure! It's episode 17, about 19 minutes into the episode :D


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