Title: A Willing Sacrifice
domfangirlStarring: Sara, LJ, Gretchen (Michael/Sara)
Category: One-shot ficlet (660 words)
Rating: PG-13 (adult themes)
Summary: Sara's POV right before she dies.
Author’s Notes: I started thinking earlier today that I wanted to write something for
stealmy_kiss who has a birthday coming up next week. She vacated the PB fandom
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I didn't intend to write it as such, but as I delved into it, I realized I've already written the one where they end up happy, and it just wasn't an honest place to go anymore. In exploring the truth and the tragedy of it all I found a rare beauty that makes this piece one of my favorites that I've ever written in all of my PB fic. That people can go to that place and give so freely is the basis of what this show is about, and to tap into that emotion was an unanticipated gift for me.
I hope you can recover in time for my next M/V chapter. I have another that's dying to get out for my L/J WIP, but then I'm determined to finish the next chappy of Pure Desperation. I promise!
I'm definitely looking forward to more Pure Desperation. I think I'm so anchored in the past of this show bc I have such fears for the future. But as there's still so much to explore there, like your wonderful Misery Universe, I'll happily kick back and hang there. I'll always be here for more whenever you're ready!
(and I owe you email!)
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