This weekend was really up and down. Rocks opened Friday night, meaning I spent all last week burning CDs for the book down there. I wasn't sure who had what and I wanted to make sure we had certain things down there. Plus you never know what people are going to ask for. My Sunday night DJ was quite relieved that I had certain things in there, and that made me feel better about my scrambling and monotonous work. Everyone was uber stressed and still is. I couldn't really complain about it b/c I haven't put the same amount of work into it as everyone else, but it looks awesome. I still have a DJ to train today, so I have to go in on my day off and let her practice. I don't really mind, since it's a friend of mine and I should have had her trained already, but it completely slipped my mind with everything else going on.
Saturday night was going pretty well until one of my stalkers showed up. There was some mixed communication as to whether or not he was banned. I know he got a talking to the last time he was there which was a year ago. Fortunatly,
ednemo was there and chased him out of the DJ booth. The guy made a beeline for the steps as soon as he got there, one of my friends alerted the bouncers and the guy came half way up the stairs and all I could understand him saying was "Oh, you're still here." "Then he continued to say stuff to me that I couldn't understand. It took me a few seconds to realize it was him so I could let
ednemo take care of it. Last time he was there, he kept screaming "Fuck you domext!" from the landing and then left. This is the creep that sent me emails saying he was a 17 yr-old goth chic back when I was on and posing as this fictional 17 yr-old, tried to get me to meet "her" for lunch and shopping. I turned "her" down b/c I'm not hanging out w/ high school kids. He came to the club the following week admitting it was him and he was banned for a few weeks. Anyway,
ednemo followed him down the stairs, tried to catch up to him so he could tell him to never show his face in there again, but the guy took off.
ednemo went down to Rocks to let them know and to see if he was down there, but we're pretty sure he just left the Shockoe Bottom area. He is now permenatly banned along with another stalker of mine who we had arrested in the club. We only have 3 people on the permanent ban list and two of them are because of me. H and I banned the third one, but he wasn't bothering us, just his ex-girlfriends. Not that we have to worry about him since he's in jail and will be for a looong time.
Sunday we got up early to meet with the rep from the rescue that we've been trying to adopt a dog from. She brought over this adorable doxie/beagle mix from another rescue for us to meet. This puppy was the best behaved little puppy ever and was so sweet and played with the dogs and crawled into our laps, so of course we wanted to adopt her. Since she was through a different rescue, we had to fill out paperwork on their site. Not a problem. We were told that if everything goes smoothly, she would be able to come live here in 2 weeks or so. So, I fill out the paperwork and find out that another family is interested in her. The foster who brought her over is pissed and now we're both pissed and upset. I emailed the foster mom and she's going to meet with the other people and have to decide what is best. She said she never would have brought her over if the rescue had told her someone was interested. Now I'm rather discouraged about the whole rescue thing. The first one I dealt with was slow and this one, though much quicker to deal with things apparently has a communication issue. The reason I went through the first one was we wanted something specific. I don't know what we're going to do if we don't get this one. I'm not going to go to a breeder and I can't go to the pound without getting overly upset at the fact that whoever I don't take may be put to sleep. I'm just going to see how this plays out and make my decision when I get an answer about this pup and try not to get my hopes up.