today is wackydoodle's birthday. (and his friend's have brought surprises. turn the page, john.).
actually, yesterday was Blackie-Wackie-Mae West-Little Kitty-DoodleBob's birthday.
so, i was gonna post this barely-an-update then,
but i got so wrapped up looking for a picture to post, that i never actually got to the actual posting. (plus, you know, she's a cat and oblivious to such things.) (and her name isn't Mister Peepers and i'm not a crazy cat lady, so it didn't make much difference to me either. it's not like i had a cake and a little dress for her to wear and a dozen bored and vaguely frightened guests.) (i gave her about ten extra minutes of the good lovin' (i.e. brushing, which for some reason she finds, like. orgasmic) and that's it, except for this rapidly expanding entry.) (but, hey, she did survive a year in this house, and that's no small feat.)
so, now that this is inconsequential AND old news, i'll just post some more pictures (and make it long(er), as well.) (wacky asked me too.) (humour her, it's her birthday.)