Buying my soul back

Mar 13, 2005 15:40

So since I have graduated college I have been working way to much. I feel like I have thrown myself into work to make up for not being in school. Today I came to the conclusion that I am to young to be doing this. I have the rest of my life to work. So this is how I have decided to remedy this problem.... I am applying for the Peace Corps. There is a recruiter coming to NMU on the 22nd and 23rd of this month. The recruiter will also be doing interviews while they are here. I am signing up for an interview and I have already downloaded my application and am in the process of filling it out. I feel very sure about this and think a little time in another country would do me some good. And yes Kate and I are doing great and is being very supportive. (I put this in here because this have been everyone’s first question when I tell them)
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