AHHHHHHHHHHH I have a pony tail and power!

Oct 18, 2004 12:00

Wow I am sooooo A.D.D. today! I have been in such a good mood and doing everything but my home work. I discovered that I can get my hair into a full pony tail today! how crazy is that? It’s been four years! I went and applied for a job today that I am super qualified for and it's here in Marquette which is even more exciting. Ummm........ We have power today! The power came back on about 10:45 last night. I did not mind the power being out it was kind of fun. Plus it gave me a sense of solidarity. Everyone was pulling to help each other out, I love that! It should happen more often. Work was kind of crazy, trying to get the shelter under control.....
We all got to grill out in the back yard so that we could have a warm dinner! it was great standing outside in the cold to make warm food so you could go into a cold house to eat it... only in the U.P.
We camped out on the floor by the fire place and slept. It was a nice night. I think that we should play power outage more often!
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