Fast Update

Aug 04, 2004 09:50

Well I have not been on line in a very long time and thought that I should post. I am at work though so this will be fast. Well the past few weeks have been filled with the good, the bad, and the very bad. Our other cat Little Bear was hit by a car on Sunday... we lost her as well. Monday night I got a call from Natalie Fingeroot, her mother passed away. I am leaving for D-Town at 2:30 today. Luckily I already had the time off because I was planning on leaving for Detroit on Thursday. I quick my job at great lakes recovery, I actually quick before I started. They promised me the moon and well did not deliver. So I am staying at Voices for Youth where I just got promoted. I am the new Community Service Specialist! Doesn’t that sound wonderful! I just got my grades back for summer classes and I got an A and a B+. So that is my life in a nutshell as you can see has been crazy.
I hope that things continue to get better I don't think that I can handle anymore death. I have actually been worried that Kate or I will be next... strange as it may sound... I have been extra careful.
Well for all of you in Detroit I will see you soon! Call me at my parents 248-554-9006 if you want to hang out.

Shouts out:

Jessie~ I can't wait to see you! I can't believe that you have graduated!

J~ Good luck with the T! And I'll see you soon.

Sweet Pea~ All my love, see you when I get home and please remember to eat! We don't want the blind leading the blind.

Bunnie~ Will you be on a speaker panel on the 16th of August from 10:30-12:00 it's for housing training? I'll give you some tofu jerky!
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