Apr 23, 2010 21:48
I'm not in a good place right now.
Physical Health: Start with the small stuff. I'm sick as all Hell. Dry, congested, ear aches/pops, skin feels like it's going to crack open and/or burst into flames, verge of vomitting; and this is just within the first 24 hours of symtoms. My roommate and I returned home from our SJ trip last friday thinking we had narrowly escaped catching what my mom was coming down with, only to find his sister had already come down with whatever this is. He was feeling it by Monday, and I finally succumbed to it last night at work.
Financial Health: Into the realm of me being retarded. I returned from the trip with just enough money in the bank to: pay the $70 of rent that I still owed, buy food to make it through til payday, and buy nightly soda at work. So, Saturday, I went to Vons to get a couple bottles of soda and get $20 cash back to pay for stuff at work, which left me with $70.63 in my account. On Monday, once the bank was open, I went in and paid my rent; leaving $0.63 in my account. I stopped by Vons to buy the rest of the food I needed for the week; for which I fully intended, but ultimately forgot, to pay with cash. So I racked up a $25 "Courtesy Pay Fee" on top of the $12 I charged to the card. It didn't hit me until I got home and went looking for my change. So my already unusually low paycheck just took a big hit, which means I'll be falling short on next month's rent as well. On top of that, I kinda still owe the "Eye/Are/Ess" some money...
Emotional Health: Now we're in the big leagues. My ex has been texting me ever since I went to the baptism. I ignored her the week we were away, but I've been replying since we got back. At first it was about our daughter, then her asking about my (lack of a) life, and now it's gotten to the point where everything I say is about regret for how things turned out. I know not everybody gets it, but I can't simply forget that she's the mother of my (biological or not) child. Then I made the mistake of asking her if she was pregnant again. She's not, but I thought it weird that she's being friendly while texting me at nearly two in the morning. I think I need a phone with limited minutes, otherwise I'm likely to keep texting every little thing I'm thinking. She most recently told me I need to get my shit together and meet people, that I'm still young. Even though at 27 I hate being called "Mr.", I haven't felt young in such a very long time. It doesn't help that the only females I have any interest in are:
1-Spoken for.
2-Hundreds/thousands of miles away.
I intend to do a write up about our SJ trip, considering I took hundreds of unneccesary pics, but I just haven't been in the mood. I'll really try this weekend, but seeing as how I never got around to doing one about my Humboldt trip more than two years ago, I'd advise against holding your breath.
Lily's on top of the fridge, opening the tupperware that holds her food.