So today it is 420. Meaning that all the lil potheads out there in LJ land are going to get baked off their bottoms and space out for endless hours, pass out, or play hours upon hours of video games. Yes yes, I'm aware that there are a slight few that might be arrested and you will spend the afternoon in jail or get escorted home to your parents via police vehicle... but it's all in good fun. Then there are the little wanna-be-nazi beezies who will use the day to celebrate Hitler...perhaps with a cake stuffed with the green stuff and killing two birds with one stone. Well... whatever it is you decide to do today, even if you're just going to work or sitting at home reading a book (like me) have a good one.
Quotes of the day:
Pobey:i go to school and cant stop thinking about jacking off so i draw pics of myself sitting in front of my comp jacking off
Gargoyle: i want a girl to sign on so i can spit game
Me: Best ebay bidder
Me: two people were going at it for days trying to win this dvd 18 bids of them battling it out.
Me: and I come in at the last minute.. just so happens that I want the same dvd.
Me: So I bid 3 minutes before it ended and won
Lordbacon: typical Sha style
Lordbacon: biggest jerkoff
Me to Pobey:
I will do a #19 and Call you a gookard flip-dick ball-cock cum-ill foolary mishap, while doing an edited #3..aka fingering your ass