Mmm today I went to the Pacific East Mall with Bree and Lina and had pho. Got me some peach and yogurt haichyuu and Apollo candy. All in which I tried to save, but... -=shovels into mouth=-. Then I bought some Sailor Moon stickers. As if I needed to add to my 2309479235723957 +++ collection. I bought em cuz I never seen em around anywhere. I mean, I knew I didn't need them when I didn't even bother to open the pack..... even now as I speak. But I bought a big Inuyasha plushie! It's so great. I ALMOST left the place without spending "emergency cash".. but then again we know how conservative I am with my money -=refers back to Sailor Moon stickers=-. There was a giant Inuyasha and a Giant Sesshoumaru. As much as I love Sesshy, Inu looked better. Damn thing cost me 35 bucks. But it was worth every penny *_*. I'll take pics of it tomorrow. ^_^
And it's funny how things have been working out for me lately. Karma is kicking in big time - and for the good. I've been re-uniting with the most coincidental people... only I try not to believe in coincidences. I talked to Les yesterday for the first time in months. Heh.. and at this time of the year. Oh it was this time of year last year that......hmm. I really have no interest in him at this point in my life. My life. My life is suddenly working it's ways with little spiritual wonders. And it's great.
Lately I've been questioning myself and the way I act around people, and how people perceive me. People say that they dont care what people think about them, but to a certain extent everyone does. I unintentionally act different ways around different people.I've been questioning myself being abnormal. Always so insecure and paranoid for the wrong reasons. But then yesterday as I was sitting down thinking all this over, I thought to myself...."forget about it. Just stop it. Nobody is as worried about yourself as you. You are making it harder on yourself." And I came to terms with how true this was. It helped me relax.
I read my Horoscope for today:
The tension between your logical head and your emotional heart can be pulling you apart. It doesn't, however, have to be all that bad. You need to practice holding two positions at once. If you understand that there is nothing wrong with you and that there is no immediate solution, then the pressure to act a certain way is alleviated. Your confusion is a gift of the spirit as long as you don't try to make sense of it yet.
Quote of the day:
Lordbacon: I'm at my sisters apartment on my knees
Lordbacon: she doesnt even have a computer chair
Me: lmao!!!! why not?
Lordbacon: no fuckin idea
Lordbacon: but try getting a 400 pound man on his knees
Lordbacon: feel like im gonna break my knee caps