Since others did this....

Mar 15, 2006 19:12

LJ Interests meme results

  1. adrienne:
    Adrienne is my name, so I thoguht it fitting for an interest. I've actually found a community for Adrienne's, and an LJ friend with the same name because of this interest.
  2. cary elwes:
    OH MY GOD!!!! I'm so happy this is on here. I think Cary Elwes is the hottest man alive. He played the young Pope in the Pope miniseries, and I've been infatuated with him ever since. I had no idea what his name was, but since I was always talking about him, Kim wanted to know who he was. I went to the IMDB website and found out who he is. When I sent it to her, she told me that he was Westley in The Princess Bride. Long story short, I bought On Monday and have watched it about 10 times so far. I think he was hot then, and I still think he’s hot now. Kim said something that still makes me laugh. Her words “You like your men like you like wine, finely aged.” I don’t drink wine (yet?), but I think you get what she means. :P
  3. crocheting:
    I am the maker of scarves. Now I'm venturing into blankets.
  4. earrings:
    I have 8 in my right ear and 6 in my left, so I thought this was a fitting interest.
  5. graduate school:
    Currently, that's what I'm enrolled in. Next year I'll graduate with my MSW. (Master in Social Work)
  6. human services:
    This was my undergrad major.
  7. methodists:
    This is kind of a joke interest. One of my professors undergrad told the class that he's a Methodist. Since I had/have a crush on him, I thought it would be good to add this. I'm just so cool.
  8. smelling good:
    I am obsessed with smelling good. I have to at all times. I've literally had strangers come up to me and tell me that I smell good. What can I say, it's a gift.
  9. social workers:
    Since I hope to become a Social Worker, I thought this was a fitting interest. I searched this interest and found a girl that's in my program. This was early Aug., before school started. We meet up at orientation and are school friends. Currently she's in a group with me and three other people. She's the only one that does anything (besides me), and I am so thankful that she's in my group.
  10. valentines day:
    This is my favorite holiday EVER, and has been for as long as I can remember. I don't have a boyfriend, but I still think it's important to show the one's that you love, well, that you love them. It sucks that there has to be a holiday for it, but I still love Valentine's Day. I use to cut out paper hearts all the time, starting right after Christmas. I haven't done that for the past few years (since I started Hilbert) since there doesn't seem to be enough time.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

I hope to make a real update soon. I know I always say that, but still...
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