My DMV Adventure!

Aug 25, 2010 10:40

Другие записи: День 2010.10.03, Точное время 15:18:00 | есть люди ... | День 2010.10.19, Точное время 13:34:00 | Стихотворение

So, today I was supposed to get my license, right? I went with my dad to get my grampa's car, and then we had to drive to the bank and run all these errands, so we finally get to the DMV, and it turns out I need my birth certificate, which no one mentioned we needed it... SO we had to drive all the way back to my house to get it and then we get back there, wait about 25 minutes and when its finally my turn, turns out I couldn't get it cuz some idiot back at school didn't send my blue paper or whatever to Springfield. Ha, good one. -_-

So after that we went to Taco Bell, and there were these two girls that kept staring at me since the moment I walked in, till I left. And I was already pissed off to begin with, so I decided to start with them for trollin'. I told them I wished they'd stop staring at me, because its creepy but they didn't stop. So I shared my conclusion with them that they're only staring at me because I'm so sexy. Yes. Then I went home.

So now I guess I'm going to stay home all day. Well no because I want to go to Blockbuster to get war-inspired movies.

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