So, at work, I find myself usually listening to podcasts and science shows.
I find it very relaxing. I even have my favorites lined up: SFIA (Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur), Event Horizon, Cool Worlds Lab, PBS Space Time, and Anton Petrov at What the Math, as well as The Thinking Atheist, The Scathing Atheist, God Awful Movies, and Aron Ra's channel for variety. Hell, I've binged his whole Systematic Classification of Life series more than once here.
Why? I'm starting to think it's because I need the knowledge fix as an antidote to the rampant idiocy that plagues my existence on a daily basis. I need it to counter the conspiracy nutjobs and the "I found this on Facebook and I know it's true because it was on the interent!" crowd. I have no tolerance for that kind of low-intelligence, low-research bullshit, and it just gets worse the older I get. It's maddening, especially when one uses logic and facts to try to refute it, and they stick their fingers in their ears and la-la-la away your argument.
That's why I've pretty much walked away from Facebook at this point.
We can't keep going like this; believing random insubstantial bullshit over learning and critical thinking and facts is what's gotten us to our place at the bottom of the food chain as far as global standing goes. We lag so far behind the rest of the world that it would be laughable if it didn't make you cry.
Ugh, sorry, I'm about to veer off into rant mode again. I wasn't shooting for that tonight.
Anyway, I guess the question I really wanted to ask is, does it make me weird that I choose to watch these shows and podcasts instead of music, like I normally would otherwise? Am I just some kind of mutant that I want to learn something, even if a lot of the material gets a little too deep for me to process while I'm at work?
I dunno.
Anyway, back to it. It's about time to run close day, and Event Horizon is talking about looking for Alien Megastructures.
Dyson Swarm, ho!