Nothing heavy today.
I don't have a rant to vent, or anything.
Well, actually, I probably do, but I don't have the hour plus to type it up at the moment, so I'll spare the soapbox for today.
Just wanted to pop in here for a moment and say "Hey." That's all, really; just a hey, how's it going, I'm alive and relatively stable, at the moment. Nothing heavy.
But, just in case anyone was wondering (as the slew of messages that hasn't appeared has implored), I haven't been completely inactive. Well, here I've been inactive, I know, but like in general. I've been trying my hand at poetry on Instagram. I wouldn't say I have a particularly huge following or anything, no. But I do it to remind myself that I write because I want to, not for fame or recognition, or whatever.
Well, I mean, it would be nice, but you know what I mean. And sometimes, I just need the reminder that whatever anyone else thinks or says, or likes or dislikes, it doesn't matter. I write because I want to, because I need to. I write because it's what I have to keep me more or less sane in an insane world.
Anyways, if anyone wants to check it out, feel free to look up @self.righteous.smeghead on Instagram, and follow along the madness. Or don't. I can't make you do anything, it's up to you.