Apr 23, 2011 10:17
Domafox here with some updates of the week so far.
Its been a complete mixture of up and down for me this past week so here is what went on.
First off we had a surprise birthday for my sister who turned 30 as of lately. We invited our close friends of the family and my brother to come over for the event.
The next day we had the usual Passover Dinner gathering with everyone that my dad knew and invited. But I still can't believe we always end up making a habit repeating the same chorus verses when it wasn't required to repeat every single year XD
The down however is that I got sick after the event was over so I was completely out of it for the whole week. Good news is I am feeling a whole lot better today.
Next up, my folks are departing for their conference trip this Thursday, so which means I am once again in charge of the house, but this will be my first time watching the house with out new dogs Derado and Aerial. So I am going to be on a busy watch with them for the meantime.
As of lately I have been successful in giving away a lot of my old stuff I don't need anymore from board and PC games to a few toys I didn't need. Some of these items ended up with big profits on Ebay so I am glad to have made some money back. I still have a few items to give which I will reveal later in another post.
Also I have been getting my eyes used to playing First Person Shooter games like Team Fortress 2 and its addictive I will admit XP
On a final note here, my fursona as you all have known in the past can change into an otter only during October time. Well after much thought I have decided to make the Doma-Otter side an official fursona character as of now. Keep in mind he still holds the same personality as my fox side, but just as an otter.
That is about all I have to update for now, Domafox signing out.