Have you ever woken up and wondered where you were? Of course you have. It's usually a result of too much alcohol or drugs or some brilliant mix of the two the night before that results in a panicked wake in which you question too many things ("Where the fuck am I? Who the fuck is that?! And where the fuck are my pants?!!") in a language so
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Silk sheets and a compass, heh, definitely necessities here.
He was being pretty wretched to you, wasn't he? When a man's cat is the most foreboding enemy to his boyfriend you know that there might be some issues. But you certainly got it right. Ireland is his turf and while I'm pretty sure he won't eat you alive, anyone who's been around can tell you to watch your back, and any other places of value. Or just stick close to me; I'll make sure he doesn't scratch you up that badly.
Insanity is underrated.
Definitely. ;)
He actually wasn't too bad when it wasn't past three Hawaii time and my brain was doing the weird swimming thing. He glared lots, but I just did the lower your head, don't meet his eyes and slooooowly back away thing, and we managed okay, I think. I don't know, I think having that as the main concern isn't really so bad. I'll stick close to you anyhow. You can be Spiderman and I'll be Mary Jane.
Have you ever met an unhappy insane person? Neither have I.
I had a crush on Tobey Maguire for about two days after watching that movie. I'm trying to remember if the score was any good, and since I can't then there's really no hope for the actual movie. It's a bad thing when I remember the music more than the whole you know plot thing.
I'm going to be insane pretty quick from having to track down all these comments on your journal page. I keep having to wake up to see you all half naked and painted and I want to cry.
I can't think if the music was good because I was having too much fun watching the movie. Good action, I guess. Pretty good plot. They must have had good music.
I would apologize, but I kinda secretly like the idea of you lusting over the layout. :-[
I'm a whore. All I ever listen to is the music. My friends will be like oh man did you see when he was fighting with Octo-whatshisface and I'll be like holy crap yeah the brass section was fucking awesome. And then they all look at me as if I've gone insane.
There is no doubt about the lust part. I might have to take it out on you at some point in time ;)
I am going to sneak around once the lights go out in the theatre and find out where you're sitting (assuming that is, that you're going to be watching Star Wars at the premiere?) so that you can point out all the good bits of the music. Actually, we might have to sit through it a couple of times before I can settle down enough to concentrate on the music. It will be great fun.
I will never complain about that, only I thought you already had. What with the painting and the shagging.
Heh, you're sitting two seats away from me. I figured if I put you and Elijah there you couldn't get too out of control. ;)
Actually I did my painting before I saw your layout I think. And then the next day or some time very close after I saw your lay out and was all ohthat'slovely.
Aye, you did the painting before. So maybe it was pre-taking-it-out-on? What am I saying, we can just do it all again.
Yes only this time I'll be in it for the sex, so you'll have to watch yourself.
That's even better really. Only one day I'm making you do the dragon again so I can get a better look at it.
I can do that for you :D You can pick the colors this time around.
Really really, though one of them has to be metallic, because that makes it look just all the more fantastic.
I'm getting excited. Did I mention at all that I went shopping yesterday while you were off? That's probably why I was so tired. Anyway, of the one thousand and twenty seven other things I bought, some of it was paint, because I wanted to paint you the other night when I couldn't sleep.
Did you then? You'll have to show me everything sometime; we'll put the paints to good use.
PS: you said twenty seven. :D
I did. I also bought a lot of clothes, because I am weak like that. You weren't there to take away the credit card. WE can definitely put them to good use.
P.S. Hah, I did, didn't I?
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