crumble72 with -7 votes
arbuus with -4 votes
sorry and i hope you stay on to vote. (there will also be a comeback challenge later in the round which allows anyone who has been eliminated during this round to try to get back in the competition)
people's choice-
pokecharm with +3 votes
mod's choice
pendora_lassi really like the outcome. i am a sucker for icons that combine black & white with colour.
1: -2 +1
2: -3
3: -2
4: -1 +2
5: -3
6: -1 +1
7: -4
8: -7
9: -1 +2
10: -3 +1
11: -3
12: +3
if you would like to see your vote comments, please leave a comment with your icon number and I will send them to you via screened comment. NOTE: you will only be able to read them through your e-mail notification - must have that feature enabled to see a screened response. all comments will remain anonymous