Leilas Lap: *Looks at you* ok you get the bong ready...
Leilas Lap: * gets up with bag in hand , walks to door drops bag on floor and gose to table where goodies are and brings them over*
xtotalDOMination: *giggles eagerly* Oooh..get ready for the time machine! *smiles and gets up, going through some drawers and returing w/ a little bag, almost 3 grams of pot*
Leilas Lap: here you go * handing you your icecream*
xtotalDOMination: *gets a paper towel and picks at the weed, removing stems, takes ice cream and puts it on the table* thanks *continues scrutinizing over the weed*
Leilas Lap: *giggles* oh geeezzz i haven't done this in a long time.
xtotalDOMination: *leans over to the side of the couch and gets the a bottle of water and pours some water in the bong, swigging it around, cleaning it* Really? *snickerS*
Leilas Lap: *laughs* do this much?
xtotalDOMination: *pours out the water into a nearby cup, and refills the bong w/ water, packs the bong with a gram and a 1/2* Yeah..kinda..*weak grin*
xtotalDOMination: *reaches for lighter at the end of the table and flicks it a couple of times, then lights the bong, lets it burn for a bit, and then takes a big hit, sucking deeply, holds it in and passes it to you*
Leilas Lap: *Smiles back*
xtotalDOMination: *coughs heavily and blows the smoke out of his nose* Gah..*cough* Oohh..*deep breath*
Leilas Lap: * i grab it , take a hit and start choking fast* Damn .*coughs*..that is.*coughs*.. good shit
Leilas Lap: Oh shit my chest hurts *passes it back to you*
xtotalDOMination: *looks over at you and chuckles* Just lay back and breathe deeply..
xtotalDOMination: *snickers and takes it back* Hah...that means it's good
Leilas Lap: * I lay back and laugh*
Leilas Lap: * still coughing* i'm a light weight
Leilas Lap: *laughs*
xtotalDOMination: *sparks up the bong again and takes a longer, deeper hit, filling his lungs up w/ the smoke, leans back and puts the bong down, holding it in for as long as he can and blows it out of his mouth slowly, making circles*
xtotalDOMination: Heh..*Smiles* When this stuff hits you.
xtotalDOMination: You're going to be tripping so much..*snickers*
Leilas Lap: * puts her hand out asking for more*
Leilas Lap: It going to my hear already!
xtotalDOMination: *giggles and gives you the bong* Hah! You're hear?
xtotalDOMination: *snickers* You're already fucked..*cackles*
Leilas Lap: * raises an eyebrow* No... I'm not!
Leilas Lap: *giggles*
Leilas Lap: *takes a biger hit and longer hit off bong*
xtotalDOMination: *snorts* Yes you are! *chuckles* You said hear instead of Head!
xtotalDOMination: *blinks lazily* Hah.. Youurrre fuckkked.
Leilas Lap: *face looks like its going to explode and laughs* I did?
Leilas Lap: * hands back bong to you*
xtotalDOMination: *slowly stands up and wobbles a bit, falls over to the floor*
xtotalDOMination: Oooh..hello floor. I'm Dom!
xtotalDOMination: *rubs the carpet* Sooo soft.
Leilas Lap: *busts out laughing*
xtotalDOMination: *blinks slowly* Whaa?
Leilas Lap: are ... you ... ok...
Leilas Lap: *giggles*
xtotalDOMination: *sits up slowly and gets bong* I'll be fine...*take a hit* in a bit..*cough-cough*
Leilas Lap: *Get up and trys to help you up*
xtotalDOMination: *pulls you down with me*
xtotalDOMination: Hah! *takes the bong and puts it back on the table* Squeee..
Leilas Lap: nnnoooo * falls domn next to you*
xtotalDOMination: Squee is a verb.
Leilas Lap: *laughs*
Leilas Lap: what? *laughing*
xtotalDOMination: Squee is a verb.
xtotalDOMination: Verb is squee..*giggles*
Leilas Lap: Squee?
xtotalDOMination: *nods slowly* Squee, along w/ Meep
Leilas Lap: really....Damn you learn somethng every day *laughs*
xtotalDOMination: *Snickers and looks at his fingers* Did you know that thumbs arent' really fingers..
Leilas Lap: what is this Meep by the way. i've been wanting to ask you that.
xtotalDOMination: They're like opposible appendages..*Smiles*
xtotalDOMination: It's my word* nods* Just a random word.
Leilas Lap: Yep I did know that * laughs and looks at tumbs*
xtotalDOMination: *snickers* thummmmmmmmmmmmmbs
xtotalDOMination: Gazeeebo.*giggles*
Leilas Lap: *Gets on hand and knees crawls to icecream* mmmmmmmmmmmm this is sooooooooooooo good.
xtotalDOMination: *smiles* ice cremmmm *opens mouth* feeeed me
Leilas Lap: *likes strawberry off of fingers*
xtotalDOMination: *watches you* Feeeed mee....
Leilas Lap: * take my hand scoops it out and slaps it on your face* oops
Leilas Lap: I missed *giggles
xtotalDOMination: *snorts* I'm all ice cream covered.. *licking the icecream around his mouth, pushing it out of his eyes*
Leilas Lap: *Tries to get up and get away but falls* oooooowwwwww!
Leilas Lap: damn that hurt .
Leilas Lap: *laughs*
xtotalDOMination: *snorts and eats the ice cream off of his fingers* Hah!
xtotalDOMination: that's whatcha get..*snickers*
Leilas Lap: *Ice cream still in hand and looks at you evil like* oh thats what i get huh?
xtotalDOMination: *giggles* nooo..erm..meep?
Leilas Lap: *Takes hand in icecream , gives you evil look and said* say I won't
Leilas Lap: *raises eyebrow*
xtotalDOMination: *giggles* but you did..*covers face*
xtotalDOMination: *looks around through hand covered eyes for his pint of ice cream, scooping a hand full of it and throwing it at you* GOTCHA!
Leilas Lap: *put icecream down on floor and lungs at you tickling you*
Leilas Lap: You are so going get it now!
xtotalDOMination: *laughing so hard that tears are running down his face* Omg...you're covererd w/ chocolate!
xtotalDOMination: *attempts to crawl away, laughing at the same time*
xtotalDOMination: Nevah!!
Leilas Lap: *gets up and goes over to bag*
Leilas Lap: Oh you can run but you can't hide *pull out the oil*
xtotalDOMination: *eyes widen and stumbles to his feet, running awkwardly*
xtotalDOMination: *eyes open widely and grabs a container of ice cream* Try me*scoops a handful*
Leilas Lap: No *drop the oil and gose in bag again*
Leilas Lap: *Pulls out a stick of lipstick* I got this for me but now it your. *run to you*
xtotalDOMination: *chucks the ice cream at you and runs away* Squeeeeeeeeeee!
Leilas Lap: your going to eat this! *laughs*
xtotalDOMination: *Snorts* Ewwwieeee
Leilas Lap: *gets hit in face* I can't beleive you did that. *running after you*
Leilas Lap: *Runs around sofa but can't get you*
Leilas Lap: Damn
Leilas Lap: * looks at Bong*
xtotalDOMination: *nods* Another hit?
Leilas Lap: * goes over to bong and pick it up*
Leilas Lap: NO
xtotalDOMination: *gasps* YOU WOULDN'T DARE!
Leilas Lap: How much do you love this bong?
Leilas Lap: *raises eyebrow*
xtotalDOMination: *jaw drops* Omg.. That was my first bong I bought.
xtotalDOMination: I've had it for years..
xtotalDOMination: *blinks slowly and sputters* Put her down..*pointing slowly to the table*
xtotalDOMination: ..and back away slowly..
Leilas Lap: HHmmmm really!
Leilas Lap: Or what?
Leilas Lap: *tilts heat*
xtotalDOMination: *gasps* Leila..
xtotalDOMination: You gotta be kidding me.
Leilas Lap: *backs away slowly* DOM
xtotalDOMination: *staring at you* Leila... c'mon now..
xtotalDOMination: Don't be irrational, just put the Time Machine down..*nods*
Leilas Lap: *Sticks tongue out*
xtotalDOMination: *still freaking out* Please?
xtotalDOMination: Put her down..*nods*
Leilas Lap: Take your icecream Dom.
Leilas Lap: and... hhhhhmmmmm
xtotalDOMination: *Rae and takes ice cream* Wha?
Leilas Lap: Pour it down your shorts love!
Leilas Lap: *evil laugh*
xtotalDOMination: *opens his eyes * What?
xtotalDOMination: I've got no knickers under here.
Leilas Lap: I know *winks*
Leilas Lap: do it or she dies!
xtotalDOMination: *grins and smile falls* You're crazy..and I love it..
xtotalDOMination: *hooks his finger in the band of his pants and pulls it foreward, looking downward* I'm sorry boys..
Leilas Lap: I 'm waiting!
xtotalDOMination: *holds his breath and empties the entire package of ice cream down his pants* HOLY SHITE! *jumps about, feeling the ice cream slide down his legs*
xtotalDOMination: *Shivering and bouncing on his toes* Omg.. omg..Leila..n-n-now put her dd-down
Leilas Lap: *put bong down and laughs* ok ok * walk to you, looks you up and down laughing, pats you on back * now or go get clean up and I will rub the oil on you ok?
xtotalDOMination: *shuddering* M-m-my balls..
xtotalDOMination: Are dead...frozen..*looks down and pouts* shrivelled up too..
Leilas Lap: * gose to sofa laughing my ass off*
Leilas Lap: *Luaghs harder then pouts * aaaaaawwwwww. baby sorry.
Leilas Lap: but i had to do what i had to do!
xtotalDOMination: My nuts are gone..I've got frozen nuts..*whinges*
Leilas Lap: *laughs* oh come on it not that bad.. just go jump in the shower.
xtotalDOMination: Fine, just leave my bong... you know what...*snatches up the bong and takes it with him* Just don't break anything..
*Shakes head* Never....ever..