You don't know the details, you said, you don't know me or my lover, and you certainly don't know Jason or the situation. And my name is spelled Ewan.
First things first, sorry about spelling your name wrong. I know I hate that when it happens to me. E.W.A.N point, noted, and taken. *Smiles*
Second you are right I don't know you or your love.(Oh by the way congrats and sending my best wishes to you and Gale on your wedding) and I don't know the situation. I do know Dom and a little about Jason. Dom was hurt then and I was just sending some comfort his way. Dom has been a total sweetie to me sense the first day I got here. I'm just being a friend and sending my love. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
Beside we can't have any hard feelings between us. We have to many of the same friends. KD, AJ, Dom, and Milla speak very highly of you and Gale.
First things first, sorry about spelling your name wrong. I know I hate that when it happens to me. E.W.A.N point, noted, and taken. *Smiles*
Second you are right I don't know you or your love.(Oh by the way congrads and sending my best wishes to you and Gale on your wedding) and I don't know the situation. I do know Dom and a little about Jason. Dom was hurt then and I was just sending some comfort his way. Dom has been a total sweetie to me sense the first day I got here. I'm just being a friend and sending my love. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
Beside we can't have any hard feelings between us. We have to many of the same friends. KD, AJ, Dom, and Milla speak very highly of you and Gale.
Sorry to be so short with'd just not believe the amount of crap I've had to put up with about the wedding...and Dom and his new...*waves hand* whatever-he-is.
Dom and I have a great deal of very sort through and it's really much harder when everyone takes sides.
I certainly have no hard feelings, though...I mean we've never even met. I just don't happen to think it was very good for Dom to 'put his foot down' on this one *sigh*.
I read some of your post today. Poor baby your are so stress out. If it help you any, I could look after Dom. So you don't have to worry. And you can concentrate on the wedding easier hun. Good luck with everything.
Second you are right I don't know you or your love.(Oh by the way congrats and sending my best wishes to you and Gale on your wedding) and I don't know the situation. I do know Dom and a little about Jason. Dom was hurt then and I was just sending some comfort his way. Dom has been a total sweetie to me sense the first day I got here. I'm just being a friend and sending my love. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
Beside we can't have any hard feelings between us. We have to many of the same friends. KD, AJ, Dom, and Milla speak very highly of you and Gale.
Second you are right I don't know you or your love.(Oh by the way congrads and sending my best wishes to you and Gale on your wedding) and I don't know the situation. I do know Dom and a little about Jason. Dom was hurt then and I was just sending some comfort his way. Dom has been a total sweetie to me sense the first day I got here. I'm just being a friend and sending my love. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
Beside we can't have any hard feelings between us. We have to many of the same friends. KD, AJ, Dom, and Milla speak very highly of you and Gale.
Dom and I have a great deal of very sort through and it's really much harder when everyone takes sides.
I certainly have no hard feelings, though...I mean we've never even met. I just don't happen to think it was very good for Dom to 'put his foot down' on this one *sigh*.
I read some of your post today. Poor baby your are so stress out. If it help you any, I could look after Dom. So you don't have to worry. And you can concentrate on the wedding easier hun. Good luck with everything.
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