Biggie Biggie Biggie can't you see

Jul 23, 2008 20:54

yesterday i turned seventeen years old around 12:30 pm (at least that's what my mom told me?)
i started the day of with frozen waffles and Mulan just happened to be on disney channel. i was excited. Later i called Raina to hear her voice that i had missed through out the last month. good to have you back, Raina! Then i heated some left over chicken. And met up with some ladies. We went to the infamous red lobster with several others and had a merry time. the evening carried on with amazing jokes and flashlight tag in the dark. My mom wasn't pleased so we went to my basement for some awkward couch. some ladies spent the night and we managed to sleep for about 2 hours. we spent the night reading sappy magazines and talking about Ib (AWWWWW) and what our plans were for the future. The next morning we treated our selfs to some eggs and youtube fun. Later we took a detour to raina's and meijer. Germany pictures failed to be ready so we decided to splurge on candy. A simple pick 'n mix became a struggle with the self checkout and BIN #. we laughed 4ever. Then Kiley's to jump on her tramp and transport to sarah's for swimming. Several mosquito's attacked and carrot cake in the pool was a treat. We sunbathed for awhile and walked to charlie's for an afternoon delight of pizza and subs. We sat on a bench in front of a flower shop. Raina's mother picked us up and drove us to our next destination. Raina and i carried forward to her house where we watched spy kids and raina showered. I went home tired.

I got so much pudding, smelly stuff, tampon case, gift cards to movies and j crew, an assortment of candy, totes, necklace, cards, spanish to german dictionary, underwear, cupcake bath gel.
Thanks for the love!!
Some of you were greatly missed.
we poured some out for anna when i unwrapped her gift haha.
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