This entry purposefully delayed 2 months.

Sep 25, 2006 01:41

*** "Egocasting" ***
Today (sunday) was my birthday, which consisted of waking at 8:00am to go to work, got off at 3:00pm, went over to Adam's shortly after, ..., got an M1-DA adapter(I just recently learned what this is) from Maggie, went home, runked, and then chully and Jess came over with a cake. Now I'm installing OSes on Fenrir(see below).

*** Class schedule - You know you wanna see it... ***
MW 2:30-3:20 - i202 Social Informatics - lecture (theory, mostly obvious)
W 4:00-5:15 - i130 Introduction to Cybersecurity [2nd 8 weeks] (no idea about this)
TT 1:00-2:15 - i201 Math Foundations of Informatics - lecture (propositional logic)
4:00-5:15 - i210 Information Infrastructure I - lecture/half-lab (simple c programming)
F 9:05-9:55 - i201 - "lab" (quiz every week -> attendance required)
12:20-1:10- i202 - discussion (not the best or worst discussion section I've had)
2:30-4:25 - i210 - lab (lab attendance is prof acknowledged optional, just write the programs by next friday and submit online)

Not a bad schedule, though I didn't choose the 9:05 friday section!!!

*** Fenrir is up (for teh runkz0rs) ***
cpu: 799 MHz
RAM: ~400MBs
agp: voodoo 3
OS: dualboot- Windows XP & (not quite installed yet) debian linux 3.1 (on 200gb hdd, media fileserver)
so far: copying over warcraft 3, XP runs pretty smoothly
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