this letter meme is drawing to a close soon. idk how to feel about this.
dear letter meme maker person,
idgi. i don't remember any people who i knew for just a day. except for strangers. there are friendly strangers around, i guess, but i don't really remember them enough to write about them
yours truly,
dear camille,
i believe this is the third letter i have written to you. i love you girlie, and miss you terribly (i love how i'm writing this as if you're actually going to read it). you are the sweetest, most giving person i know. i have never seen you legitimately angry at anyone, ever. you seem to have no reason to be angry at people, because you're too busy doing things for them. caring. you are the most beautiful girl there is, inside and out. you've made me realize that being kind to people will get you places. i hope you stay strong. i don't want your sweetness to be something people take advantage of. you have taught me so much, just by being yourself. thank you, for being exactly who you are.
love times infinity,