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Jan 12, 2006 15:39

Hey so i finally haev a few minutes before i go to work to update.. Sheesh well where do i start.. I have been sick pretty much all week. Yeah.. I came hoem early on Tuesday adn called into work because i was runninga fever and there was seriously no way i could work with the way i was feeling.. So yea pretty much just slept all day..Today i am still feeling a little sicky but much better than the other day. So nothing exciteing happened at school today.. just the same old stufff... yeah so boring... i have a major chemistry test tomorrow which i know i aint gonna do weelll on it b/c i have to closetonite at work and i wont get home till lilek 10:30 and then ihave to take a shower and all that jusnk so yeah u can go ahead and say i;ll be getting a bif fat "F".. ha ha ha .. i hope not ... so yeha Me, Leah, cara, and Nikki went to Dari Delite during 3rd block today just like we do everyday.. ha ha ha *fun times*.. Then i went to MECC with callie so she could get a book after school today.. At least we didnt get behind some old lady smoking and going 15 in a 35 MPH Zone..ha ha ha ha sheesh girl ur so funny.. so yeah callie took me back to my car adn i went adn got gas and then came home and ate supper.. Porkchops and crescents...YUMMYY... so now i guess i will go study for chemistry a bit and then head off to work.. So hope everyone has a great week... Leave me some..... Gina
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