Jul 03, 2004 21:53
Ok lets see. Where do i start. K thursday i went to hang out with the beutiful erica. We hung at her house for a while then went up to the pool to pick up Destin (where we had cake!!!!!! it was very good cake) and to meet kyle cris and some of there friends. We had alot of fun. Me and destin went back to her house to get a snack. Ericas dad made her come with us. Then the guys followed. ( They wanted cake) Ericas dad like fliped out and like had a fit cuz they were in destins house. It was so gay. She got in mega trouble. He wouldnt evan lets us go back over after they left to help her clean. O well. then she came over to my house for a little while. We went to petsupermart. We played with the ferits. They r so koo. On friday I went to pick cristina up from bible camp and we chilled for mosted of the day. We had milo pull us on the skateboards down to the boat ramp. We discovered mud. We love mud now. I was like knee high. It was so kool. Then today we went to the beach where we met up with jason. Then we came back to my house and went to play in the mud again. It was almost raining when we left. We walked through the mud. I couldn't find the really deep spot but we still got pretty deep. on our way back to our bikes we got in a mud fight. She got it in my ear. God that stuff is hard to get out. Then it started to pour down rain. We mad a slip and slide. It was so much fun. Funniest part cristina didn't want to put on her bathing suit so she was in her underwear and one of my t-shirts. She got so dirty. God mud is fun. we came back and washed off then took a nap. We were so tied. Then she went home. Well better got. Luv yaz. Later.