Nov 17, 2008 11:55
Hey There Everyone! Look who has returned from being on hiatus. Yes, I know it's been almost 2 years, but I decided to come back. I have been in MySpace and still am. I love that site!! But all is good. I have a new car now. It's a 2006 Ford Focus ZX4. I will have had it for 1 year December 1st. My other one got lost to a hit and run driver. I do miss my '93 Ford Escort LX but I love my new one!! It only had 32,000 miles on it. My payments are only $207 a month. Not bad!! D-Patrick kept it where I can afford the payments. And guess what!!?? I already have it decorated in dolphin items.
Well, I'll post more later!! Right now I gotta run!! Later Guys!!