So here's a weird little thing I came across in my travels. Apparently back in the day, Phil Spector
bought out his label partner for about $60,000. It was far less than what his share was worth, but his partner took it just to get the hell away from him.
However, not content with just being the victor, he forced
The Crystals (who may or may not have been the actual Crystals, as it was during the period he had fired and replaced them and before they were rehired) into the recording studio to record a song that was completely unmarketable, and therefore was most likely created for the sole purpose of pressing a copy to send to his ex-partner in order to annoy him further.
The song was called
(Let's Dance) the Screw, and I managed to find a site that actually has the song. It's the same five or six lines over and over. I find it strangely hypnotic.