--[This walk took place Friday, August 27th.]--
I walked the Five Mile Drive at Point Defiance last year as part of the 10,000 steps challenge from work, so this is not new territory for me. However the Volksmarch took it in reverse, circling against traffic and going clockwise. Sure, a big safety factor, but also i got all the back roads behind the zoo buildings and through the parking lot out of the way first.
I'd give this one a 3 on my on my 1 to 10 scale...
---[1 is Cannon Beach : 10 is a march through nettle fields wearing shorts.]---
... only because it a long walk through the woods. Pastoral, but no too much to be surprised by. I suppose the fact that I've done it before would influence my score.
This would be a great fall walk, with the turning leave and brisk air. Perhaps even a good Winter Walk. This Summer day was nice, the temperature has just turned the corner and is heading for fall. I didn't need a coat, but it certainly wasn't hot. You meet a lot of joggers too, so it's a social walk as well.
Interesting thoughts about Fort Nisqually... The Dupont walk showed where the fort once was. Fort Nisqually was closed and vacated in 1869. The land was purchased by the US Government from the Hudson Bay Company and the fort was alowed to deteriorate. In the 1930s, Fort Nisqually was rebuilt in its current location in Point Defiance Park. Only two buildings, the grainery and factor's house, were moved from their original locations, the rest having fallen apart in the intervening 60 years.
Now as far as history is concerned 60 years is a bit of an eye blink. But when I consider the transition from Fenced Frontier Fort -to- Municipal City Park, it is amazing to me to associate the term "eye blink" to that. Once again, history sneaks a little closer to my "now" point of view.
"Do Not Touch".
MV Rhododendron
Grand Dam of the Ferry Fleet
Cruising on slow and sweet
Someday soon retired, and gone
But for now, she sails on.