Volksmarch -- Sumner

Aug 06, 2010 19:07

I'd give this one a 5 on my 1 to 10 scale.  I'm upgrading it by one point because I stumbled across the Sumner Summer Festival on the same weekend.  I'm sure if  "The Mountain" was out then it would be even better.

The walk goes through pretty much the entire community, old neighborhoods, new neighborhoods, Main Street, the church and school zones, etc.    The only green lawns though are bank and store landscapes.  Yards may be manicured, but they are quite yellow.

miko2 asked me if I listened to music on these walks.  More often I don't.  I like hearing the areas as I walk through.  Freight trains are rumbling and signaling through Sumner Constantly.  The Festival was full of people sounds.  There is the sound of yard equipment, and children playing and Parks full of people.  As in Shelton, the parks are full.
So I tend to leave the iPod home on a Volksmarch, but if I'm walking around Port Orchard just to get a walk in, then I have it on.


This cat was stretched out in front of a Bank entrance.  People were walking to and fro, stepping around her while she snoozed on the concrete.  Someone, a bank employee? had set out a pan of water for her.  She's well fed and cared for, that's obvious.  I stooped down to take her picture and she jumped up and ran to me.  We all know cats don't like their picture taken, but they usually run away.
Very friendly.

Sumner puts sheep inside the storm water control pits so that they can keep the vegetation down.


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