Apr 14, 2010 03:21
So if I wasn't already fucking pissed off, Lj just ate my rant that I had typed out, so here is the basics of it
It's now just after 3 fucking am in the morning. One would think I should be in fucking bed by now, which I was, over 2 fucking hours ago, especially considering I have a fucking long day ahead of me, filled with studying, as the next day I have a major final exam. However, it's a little hard to sleep when somebody is fucking coughing their lungs out RIGHT OUTSIDE MY FUCKING DOOR... See, I would be sympathetic about this if this was new, or if she was trying to do something about it. Except that she isn't, last year it took her having an asthma attack lasting 4 fucking days long before she went to the doctor, otherwise, she doesn't do anything about it other than sit in front of the fucking computer all day long. I can't afford to not be sleeping, especially with my exam on Thursday at 9 in the morning. There aren't words to describe how fucking pissed off I'll be if I fail my exam because I can't get any sleep.
I don't want to move out, but I can't afford to be not sleeping and doing some incredibly hard classes this summer. Cause if this is anything like last year, it's just the beginning, as this went on for most of last summer too. *sighs* Maybe I'm currently just so fucking pissed off because I'm so fucking exhausted at the moment as well...
Anyways, I just needed to rant, and there aren't many people awake at 3 in the fucking morning. And I would have put it under a cut, except that lj ended up eating my post the last time I tried to put it under a cut, so instead, it stays like this. Don't like it? Too fucking bad. I'm too exhausted to care.