Apr 22, 2008 19:31
Hi everyone!
Today in school I had Translation from English into Italian class and here is what we had to work on. It was so nice I decided to post it so everyone can read it if they wish. It's taken from a book called "Little Miracles, Kept Promises" by Sandra Cisneros. Here it goes!
Dear San Antonio de Padua,
Can you please help me find a man who isn't a pain in the nalgas. There aren't any in Texas, I swear. Especially not in San Antonio.
Can you do something about all the educated Chicanos who have to go to California to find a job. I guess what my sister Irma says is true "If you didn't get a husband when you were in college, you don't get one".
I would appreciate it very much if you sent me a man who speaks Spanish, who at least can pronounce his name the way it's supposed to be pronounced. Someone please who never calls himself "Hispanic" unless he's applying for a grant from Washington, D.C.
Can you send me a man man. I mean someone who's not ashamed to be seen cooking or cleaning or looking after himself. In other words, a man who acts like an adult. Not one who's never lived alone, never bought his own underwear, never ironed his own shirts, never even heated his own tortillas. In other words, don't send me someone like my brothers who my mother ruined with too much chichi, or I'll throw him back.
I'll turn your statue upside down until you send him to me. I've put up with too much too long, and now I'm just too intelligent, too powerful, too beautiful, too sure of who I am finally to deserve anything less.
Isn't it great? I loved it!
And I'd like to know what you think about it too!