Jul 01, 2010 23:02
- 07:27 where...did june go? #
- 17:37 ughhh i hate it when other people hit deadlines early, so that you need to hit your deadline early as well to catch up. #notsleepingtonight #
- 19:12 Oh my god the traffic is making me so angry. And late. What the hell. I hate somerville so so much right now. #
- 19:19 I would probably get far fewer headaches if I lived in a city that didn't have such shitty traffic and shitty drivers. #
- 22:58 Ooooh I forgot I wanted to do my dishes before I leave...hhmmmm. #
- 23:02 Also, omg emily and bryan made such tasty dinner tonight. So nice not eating alone. Need to do this more often. #
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