Crystal Adults and children: update to Rainbow Crystal Energy.

Aug 26, 2007 21:51

I came in as a crystal child 42 years ago. Crystal Child, level 1 as the Jeshua explained in message through David from the school of life: Illium. Jeshua and Kuan Yin are both very involved with the crystals. Kuan Yin helps me to translate the energies I pick from around me and from the ethers. Crystals are magiciens in bringing energies in from the ethers.

Today, many, meaby even all children come in being Crystal. Celia Fenn says all childen are born crystals today. Through David messages are given about Rainbow Crystals, love angels and some other names. And ofcourse there are the indigo's who helped making this earth ready for the crystals to come in.

There is also information about I think over 120 different kind of starchildren.

It is not really important though. They are all children and everybody is gonna be crystaline. Many are allready transforming.

I came in, as others, very early. So my crystal energy was being protected with layers and also a layer that hid the energy. It had to be like that, for the earth was not ready.

But still I was very sensitive to my surroundings. Crystals first level, absorb a lot from there surroundings. Taking the energies in,transforming them and setting them free.

Today in a channel Jeshua explained to a crystal girl first level that you can easily update your crystal energies to rainbow crystal energy and then you do not absorb all those energies. It takes some days to integrate and update and you may have some pain in your head and back, but if you are crystal, you are used to those crazy pressures in your body and electric feelings probably.

If you are an adult crystal and you have let go of the protection layers etc. (and not many do, though there are a lot more crystal adults then is generally known, even amongst people who now about it) you can update. Jeshua guides a girl through it in almost the end of the message. You can easely connect and just go along. He talks about the central sun. That is where the crystal children come from. So just connect with home when he talks about connecting with the central sun.

You find the channel here:

Go to the section Principles of Freedom and choose questions and answers by Kuthumi and Jeshua.

And if you want to have great laughs, listen to the channel of Kuthumi Lao Sing (ascended master), just before the Q and A. I have laughed my as off almost.
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