Ascension.. | 06 Augustus 2007 | 16:44:34
Shala Mata
AUGUST 1, 2007
During the 7/7/7, I had the wonderful opportunity to be in Mt Shasta with David Miller’s Group of Forty workshop The corridor of energy closed with a powerful downloading of a powerful 5th Dimensional etheric crystal into beloved Mt Shasta. This crystal is connected to other etheric crystals on the planet that the Arcturians have activated from the Crystal Temple on the 5th Dimension. The crystal was imprinted with an energetic access to The Stargate.
The Galactic Kachina is a powerful feminine intermediaryof light from the Central Sun. She has been energetically housed at the San Francisco Peaks area near Flagstaff Arizona, and with this download has bi-located to Mt Shasta as well.
Mt. Shasta as many of you are already familiar is a powerful spiritual beacon and receiver of 5th dimensional frequency and light. Beneath her is the vast city of Telos. This sacred mountain has long been aligned with the energy of the Central Sun, and now this energy is more accessible to all that choose to connect.
The alignment of the Central Sun energy with our beloved Mother Earth is an ongoing alignment with many levels and ways of supporting us personally and collectively. Primarily this alignment is to support the ascension process up our planet and allow for new processes and energy techniques to come forth.
The Stargate is a multi-dimensional portal that is currently over seen by the Arcturians. Passage through the Stargate occurs only when all earth life lessons and incarnations associated with the 3rd Dimension are complete. Arch Angel Metatron and other higher beings are present here and are helping those who wish to move through this Stargate at the time of the Ascension. Once through new soul assignments are given and choices can be made for travel to the higher realms through out the galaxy.
Mt Shasta now has an etheric imprint or double of the Stargate. This is making the Stargate energy more available or accessible to us here on Earth. We can work with the Stargate energy by connecting to it at Mt Shasta without the concern of moving through before we are fully prepared.
Many of us have been going to the Stargate in our dreamtime as we continue to work through the illusions of the 3rd Dimension. Now we will have a physical connection here on the Earth to further activate our Cosmic Egg energy.
During the month of August and for the remainder of the 2007, we will continue to work on completing our Earth life lessons. Connecting to the crystal and Stargate energy at Mt Shasta will have a quantum effect on our vibratory rate. It will increase our ability to become comfortable with the Stargate energy and the opportunity of work with this powerful spiritual technology.
As we connect with the Stargate energy we will now more easily connect to our soul power and soul mission. The vary awareness of the Stargate increases our awareness of our Soul and increases our focused commitment to our Soul mission.
August will seem like a month of treading water so too speak. There is a tremendous amount of energy moving through the Ring of Fire these past several weeks, with earthquakes and volcanic eruption increasing dramatically. Whether we live near the area of movement, we are all deeply affected by the energy waves that move forth.
The Stargate represents a link to our soul, a gateway that our soul travels and enters upon our soul’s completion of its mission on the Earth. We are being deeply moved by our soul energy to understand the complexity of our mission and what is needed to complete or tie up the loose ends.
In a recent lecture with the Arcturians through David Miller, they explained our soul mission:
“Your soul mission is multi-faceted. Part of the soul mission is to complete your personal agenda, the personal learning that is necessary for you to graduate from the Earth. Part of your mission is to participate in the planetary process and evolutionary process. Remember that in this new time period we are in, strength is not measured in physical prowess but rather strength is measured in the ability to accept changes and the ability to connect to the 5th Dimension”
During the month of August and in fact the coming months, we will be re-calibrating our strengths from this perspective. For many even in the spiritual arena, strength is wrapped up in the ego self. We are finding out quickly that when the ego self is driving the bus we don’t function from our purest point of soul energy. It is like putting up a curtain that only lets the odd ray of soul energy in.
As we continue to connect with our soul light, there is the opportunity to walk softly with our ego and allow a unification to occur. This in particular is the walk we will take during the month of August.
For many of us in the Northern Hemisphere it is summer, the nights are long, and our days seem less intense. Those in the Southern Hemisphere are experiencing the quiet of winter days where and the desire to move inward. Both work harmoniously as we make decisions and choices that bring us closer to our Soul and the Stargate.
More and more spiritual technology is now awakening upon the planet from the 5th Dimension and helping us prepare and move through the cascade of changes that are almost a daily event. The shimmering light we have talked about in earlier articles is the precursor to the ascension light and is allowing us to access our 5th Dimensional selves in a more congruent way.
The coming weeks will see many earth changes and possible upheavals. August may feel energetically calm but must is shifting and changing. The Galactic Kachina energy is very much here to help support our beloved planet and us.
The Galactic Kachina is able to transmute the light of the Central Sun and transit this light to those that wish to connect with her.
• You can do this with the following steps:
• Quietly connect and ground to beloved Mother Earth.
• Thought project yourself to the top of Mt Shasta and feel the rays of light emanating from the Etheric Crystal inside.
• Call out “Oh Galactic Kachina - I ask the you align with my energy field with your energy field”
• I ask to become a receiver of your light.
• You can ask questions, ask for healing, and support for yourself and our beloved Earth.
• As you connect with her, you find your field “shimmering” and activating deep codes within.
• Your are connecting to 5th Dimensional light and energy.
• When you feel complete, begin to withdraw from the top of the mountain and return to your physical body - gently in a perfected re-alignment and re-entry.
Working with this very loving energy will amplify to nature of August’s energy and bring forth a deep calm as changes continue to occur.
There is a lot of energy support for each of us and much to do as we continue to move forward with our soul mission. It is vital that we remember that we don’t have to be “perfect” we just need to have a pure heart and willingness to accept the benevolent support that is available from so many loving beings of light.
August will bring a new awareness of possibilities that we hadn’t noticed in the past. Things will look and feel different and our choices will reflect this new perspective. It is an exciting time and I wish everyone a fun filled month of energy and light.
Love and Deep Blessings,
© Shala Mata 2007