(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 17:06

by Geoffrey Hoppe

Hello, anxiety. I see you’re back again, stronger and more deceptive than ever. You’ve fooled me and other Shaumbra in the past, but you’re not going to fool us again.

I have been aware of your shadowy presence for as long as I can remember. The butterflies in my stomach and the unrest in my sleep are signs of your unwelcome companionship. But it wasn’t until about 10 years ago that I began to discern the difference between you and me.

You like to visit especially when mass consciousness is fragile and most susceptible to change. You have a ghoulish sense of impending chaos, drawn even closer to me on the eve of drama, disaster or change. You were hovering around like a vulture shortly before the millennium shift in 2000. You were waiting to swoop down in the event of some doomsday disaster with a catastrophic computer glitch. You were tense, cold and hungry, sucking the joy right out of my life. More than anything, you put a fog around my clarity, causing me to doubt myself.

I remember when you checked in for a spectacular visit in the summer of 2001. You actually had me believe that I was anxious and overwhelmed by doing my first public workshops for the Crimson Circle. I know now that you were licking your lips and rubbing your divisive hands in preparation of September 11, 2001.

I can’t blame you for any of these events. I know you don’t cause them; human consciousness is the creator. You’re drawn to the potential of disaster like a mortician is drawn to the wail of an ambulance siren. I don’t like the feeling of your sinking presence. And I particularly don’t like how your subtle energy infiltrate my space, causing me to doubt myself. And dear Anxiety, I truly deplore that you also do this to Shaumbra around the world.

I know that it’s not about me, no matter how hard you try to convince me otherwise. You are nothing more than a cousin of the sexual energy virus. You like to work on people who “feel” energy yet aren’t aware that it doesn’t belong to them. You drain their energy and self confidence to the point where some of these “feeling” people end up taking depression drugs to keep you out.

How do I know you’re not me? Because I haven’t chosen Anxiety, and there is very little in my life to cause the feeling. Therefore it is you. You can’t disguise yourself as me any more.

Anxiety, you’ve been coming around since the first of the year. You are lurking and whispering just like the wandering dead that are among us. You have changed recently. Yes, you still have that “the other shoe is about to drop” feeling. You still try to work your way within us using many of the same old tricks. But now you’ve gotten more demanding. You’re hungrier than ever. I’m seeing an impatient side of you I’ve never seen before. Actually, you appear to be a little desperate.

Perhaps you feel something is about to happen? Let me help you out. It’s the changing human consciousness. There are many humans on the planet who are choosing sovereignty, awareness and divine integration. As they do, you can no longer hide within them. You are exposed. As you are exposed by a few, the word will get out to the many. They’ll realize you have been manipulating and feeding off of them. As they become more conscious, they will no longer accept you as part of them. They will see you as the illusion that you are.

The Quantum Leap in human consciousness is coming around in a few months. Perhaps this is causing YOU a large measure of Anxiety?

And so it is.

“Unexplainable Anxiety” Symptoms

- Uneasy stomach, digestive problems
- Tension and nervousness
- A “sinking” feeling
- The unpleasant feeling that “something is about to happen” also known as
“the other shoe is about to drop”
- Sleep disruption
- Lack of clarity
- Fear without knowing where the fear is coming from
What could be causing the “Unexplainable Anxiety”:

- Impending consciousness changes associated with the Quantum Leap (September 18, 2007)
- Acceleration of consciousness and energy, creating a feeling that a crash is imminent
- You are becoming more sensitive, therefore you’re feeling other people’s energy more than ever, including family members, co-workers, non-physical entities and mass consciousness. You feel potentials before they ever happen.
- Intense energy from extremist groups that are trying to hold on to the old and traditional ways because they fear the upcoming changes in the New Energy

What to do:

Relax, do about five minutes or more of breathing, then write a list of things in your life that could be causing anxiety. Look at things like your job, your relationships, finances and health. Are these issues by themselves enough to cause the level of Anxiety you’re feeling, or is any portion of the anxiety coming from unexplainable sources? This Unexplainable Anxiety is not yours. It’s coming from sources outside of you like mass consciousness, family and friends, and even entities in the other realms.

Now “feel” into these other layers of Anxiety, the ones that are not yours. Sense the energies. You might feel things like potential disasters (natural or human-caused), mass changes, death and confusion to name a few. You might also feel the potential for grand changes on Earth including consciousness healing, new medical and technology breakthroughs, release of old and controlling belief systems, etc. The important thing is to feel these energies - positive and negative - and realize that it is not about you.

Take a few minutes to breathe and release the anxiety. Realize that these were not your own energies in the first place. Let them go back to their pure energy state.

It’s also a good idea to do light physical exercise when you’re feeling this outside anxiety. It helps keep your energy moving and makes it difficult for the Anxiety to settle within you.

Finally, do something creative. Anything. Draw a picture, write a song, make an object in clay, or create a new software program. Anxiety is the antithesis of creativity. Many of the world’s great artists and musicians were forced to be creative in order to keep Anxiety from crushing them.

What Not to Do:

- Accept the Unexplainable Anxiety as your own
- Take medications, unless otherwise advised by a medical professional and also recommended by a qualified New Energy facilitator
- Try to kill the feelings with non-prescription drugs or alcohol
- Try to figure it out and defeat Anxiety in your mind. Anxiety is non-mental and should be handled on the “feeling” or gnost levels rather than in the mind.

Note: This article is not intended as medical or psychological advice. It is the opinion and metaphysical observation of the author and does not reflect the views or opinions of the Crimson Circle Energy Company, Inc. Always use your discernment.


So now I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and little bubbles all over my body.

I attended a workshop with Geoffrey and Linda one week ago in Amsterdam. Never before in a workshop I felt such increadable energy, not least at all because Norma Delaney (with Kuan Yin) was breathing with us. And ofcourse Saint Germain being there the whole time, speaking through Geoffrey. Chapeau Mr Adamus. I love you.

Then last weekend I attended a breathing workshop with Norma and Garreth in Amersfoort. I just saw Geoffrey there yesterday and I am so grateful for his words and that Gea put it here! This morning I had a major anxietyattack without any reason. I started breathing like I just learned this weekend and it was gone after that.

Mr Anxiety I add myself with Geoffrey. I do not choose you to enter my space. I am not afraid of you. You can not hurt me, scare me, live me or make me insecure for I AM that I AM. And I AM much bigger than you. Hurray. Elski
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