(no subject)

Apr 13, 2003 00:30

It was silent in William's head, even as the chatter of the tavern rose and fell, glassware clattered, and some silly bint was laughing in the most vexing high pitched way. It was loud, but not in William's head. There was silence, tempered by determination and anticipation.

William waited, an arm casually thrown along the worn cushion of his little corner booth. Pale green eyes lingered in their lazy travels around the bar, waiting for figures to emerge from the smoky near darkness. They should arrive shortly.

Percy. Granger. Johnson.

They would arrive. Information would be shared over a pint. And then people would die and Ginny would be saved. Or people would die and Ginny would be avenged.

William took another swallow of his drink, stillness surrounding him, and waited.
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