(no subject)

Mar 28, 2013 22:57

musemuggers prompt: photo (gargoyle)

The gargoyle had not asked to be enslaved by a stupid prince. In fact, it was not even a true gargoyle---it had started life as a hapless bulldog owned by a stupid magician who thought that fusing the wings of a giant bat-like creature to a dog was the height of his magical career.

Once the bat-like creature's powers had been completely transferred to it, the gargoyle had promptly made sure that that was also the end of the stupid magician's magical career, but unfortunately the stupid magician had managed to enslave it by throwing a long golden chain around its neck before passing on. Although the chain kept the gargoyle trapped inside the stupid magician's house, the situation proved to be only a minor nuisance to the gargoyle; the house was sealed away in a mystical dimension that, presumably, only the stupid magician had access to. The gargoyle had found that it needed neither food nor rest, and so it spent the dimension's endless dusk prowling the house, or indulging in its love of naps.

One day a stupid prince broke through the house's wards; he looked confused, as if he had only done so by accident. By this time the gargoyle had come to see the house as its territory, and it tried to chase the stupid prince out by flapping its wings and howling like a banshee. To its confusion, the stupid prince simply said, "A-ha, a magical flying creature! Just what I need for my quest!" He evaded the gargoyle's attacks with an uncanny swiftness, then grabbed hold of the chain; the gargoyle fell to the ground with a crash.

Luckily the gargoyle's stone skin prevented it from feeling any pain, but the chain, now that it had found a new master, exerted pressure on every part of the gargoyle's body to obey. The gargoyle could do nothing but growl as the stupid prince looked it over and said, "Barely big enough to ride on, but you'll do," and tugged the chain until it bit into the gargoyle's neck. Grudgingly the gargoyle allowed the stupid prince to mount it, and flew away from the house in the direction the stupid prince specified.

From then on the gargoyle kept an eye on the stupid prince's every movement. The stupid prince and the stupid magician were alike: both were ambitious, arrogant, and mortal. No doubt the stupid prince would make a mistake someday. All the gargoyle needed to do was wait.

drabble, musemuggers

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