Bet you didn't expect that I'd actually go through with it!
Here's the first part, in which sets the scene for the actual Eagle parts (sorry, no Eagle today - but it'll be along in due course).
Rating about PG or PG13, I suppose. The only thing you need to be warned about is that, like all the times I ever set out to be funny, it's turned out rather
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banishing gruel to the stomach (couldn’t they have made it meat and two veg?)
Be thankful that's all it is. The earliest incarnation of my Banishing to the stomach notion was a deleted scene from "House of Flying Artichokes" when Pansy's trying desperately to keep the girly chat with Hermione alive, and talks about slimming aids - in this case, Banishing stomach contents...
I think the problem in fic is that he often has little purpose except to say “’y’ehright, Harry?” and I happily own to never intending to write about him.
You and all of the fandom, I think. That's why I thought I'd give him a go. There's a lot of gratuitous Hagrid-bashing in the fandom because he isn't TEH HAWT - and it's so unfair, as he's one of the very few people in canon who is always, consistently nice.
(and for the record, I'd never given Andromeda Black a second's thought till you wrote about her, so I'm really treasuring that compliment).
That's why I thought I'd give him a go.
My fanfic preferences in all genres have always been missing scenes, minor characters, and re-interpretation, not because "I disrespect the text" but because I know that attempts to recreate canon can never wholly come off. Hence Andromeda, who is about as minor a character as you can get, but one in a potentially fascinating interstice. For Hagrid, I, and most of fandom, have nothing new to say/think - you do, and do it brilliantly (and ditto Crabbe), and that's why - to me - it works. It may end with the writing, but it has to start with the thinking.
Like you, I love the minor characters because they're all there for a reason, and working with them really makes you think.
Hilarious stuff, a usual, bittersweet in the best way.
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