In which I Attempt to Broaden my Horizons

Jan 16, 2009 14:33

I've just come back from a seminar on an attempt to combine 4 very different music styles in one concert - seemed like pointless navel-gazing when I was not-quite-strongarmed into going, but I came out realising that combining unlikely talents can bear surprising fruit. We all need to be reminded of that from time to time, I think.

And following hard on the heels of that last thought, it occurs to me that I spend far too much time treading the same well-worn trails over and over again in all sorts of ways - including my fannish life and my hobbies. I could really do with branching out a little, and I suspect I'm not the only one.

So what are you a fan of that I'm not? Tell why! And if you can spare the time, show me the best entry point for it - I'd love to be converted to something new! 

fandom, questions

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