
Mar 03, 2009 04:39

So, these are my obsessions:
1.Showering (like 2-3xs daily. I may have a problem. I would die if the gov't suddenly started rationing our water supply. I smell good!)
2.Washing/exfoliating face (i cant help it... Its all related to the clean thing)
3.Brushing teeth ( you should all be aware of my teeth fixation)
4.Flossing (this one is new but now i do it ALOT. So good for your gums)
5.Q-tips/ cleaning out ears ( god! I could stick that qtip in my ear all day long! It feels good... Kinda like the smell of gasoline... Well maybe not but yeah)
6.In case you havent noticed im a clean freak! Once i start its really hard to stop. I must admit its gotten worse.

So, yeah aren't you glad i shared that with you cause I AM!!!!

Ive become a total rebel on the road. I was afraid to drive my mom's suv. Shes got this hummer like big huge thing. Way too many blind spots. Im used to driving suvs but this is way bigger than mine. The roads here are tiny. Only meant for one way traffic really but of course thats not the case... And the curves! Oh my gee. Way too many curves and people going way too fast. Its crazy! I love it. I was a speed racer back home but nothing compared to now. Ha ha. Its great!!!! Dont you just want to get in a car with me. YOU KNOW YOU DO!!!!!!

I went to buy food to my little homeless buddy today. I saw him begging on the street. I didnt have change. I felt so bad. He approached my window and i told him i was sorry but i didnt have change with me and he said that i should never give him money. That instead i should buy him food. If i give him money he might use it for 'other' things. He's addicted to heroin. I was impressed, though. I think its pretty amazing that he would tell me not to give him money. Its like he's trying to quit but doesnt know how or something. By the time i got back it was raining and he was gone. Sad.

My muscles ache! Been lifting weights alot. Time to change things up a bit, though. My muscles are getting used to it. I wish i could do some cardio. I need gloves so i can use the punching bag... Now, thats a great way to work out frustrations.


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