Personal Responsibility??

Oct 01, 2009 07:22

Man who walked into Burning Man fire loses lawsuit

This reminds me of giolabride's repeated story of Gypsyjane's song, "Is that a real fire?" and how it was inspired by actual remarks by idiots visiting a re-enactment encampment. A particular bozo who asked the above question had a child, which is depressing on several levels, and of course there would be the very real concern that this person would inadequately supervise the offspring, and the child would be badly hurt and/or the parent would sue.

Idiots and lawsuits are among the many things that worry me about going out into the internet world to find circle participants. I have always insisted before on meeting and talking a few times before doing ritual with someone and/or inviting them to my home; it's like when I was doing internet dating, and I insisted on meetings in a public place before going to my house or doing anything sexual (by which I don't mean PIV, I mean starting with kissing and caresses of erogenous zones.) Outer-court-style ritual is sort of like mild necking; it's not as intimate nor as dangerous as some other activity, but it has its rewards, it's nice to do it for a while before going further, and there are still a few dangers.
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