I love it when a room comes together...

Jan 14, 2004 10:46

Ok, maybe I should say that I'D love FOR a room to come together...

Now that the 5 foot lizard has been removed from my family room I've been patching the walls, and trying to decide what color to paint and what furniture to buy.

The Design Mike's House Party Party didn't yield any ideas (beyond "buy a better DVD player" [which I have, thankyouverymuch]) for the room that I'm starting on first. I've been making some sketches, most involving some lights attached to the wall, and moving the location of my TV/Stereo. That will involve wiring, which is always an excuse to use power tools :)

All of that is a requirement before my next party.

On a parallel thread, I'm getting ready to investigate dumping Dish-Network, a home phone and Verizon DSL to go with Cable and a cable modem. Currently I pay about $75 /mo for Dish, and Verizon forces me to have a phone (which I don't use) so that I can have DSL. That costs me another $70 bucks or so every month. I'm thinking that I can go with Cox cable and get tv, and broadband all in one, ditch the home phone and save $50+ / month. Anyone in the area doing the same thing? Can you tell me about your experience?

I figure that if I every really decide to get a home phone again I'll go VOIP and save money anyway.
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