Feb 19, 2006 09:58

Friday Night I did a night shift and 15 minutes after i walked in the door the power went was freaky as fuck, there were creeky noises, I'm so glad I had my co worker or I would have shat bricks.

the buzzers werent working for the patients, so we had to keep doing checks on them all.

we went outside and looked, all up and down the street the lights were off, it was pitch black..and then we heard these bombing noises..and I was all wtfff, I'm going inside now.

It wasn't Osama..and he hadn't found out Whangarei's strategic dope supply - Bryce.

It was lighteening..boring.

I was expecting some war of the worlds music to come on and maybe perhaps a sunami...unfortunatally it didn't happen and the power came back on half an hour later and I had to iron handkerchiefs.

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