Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
I love this for the perspective and colors...I've never used it, mostly because I have literally hundreds of icons squirreled away, but I love it.
...The colors! The expression on her face, the swan, her clothes, the texture...
I've never used this either, mostly because the image isn't very sharp, but I love the composition. The woman on the tree, her wings? The colors...
Phantom! That, and I love this scene, the lighting, the music. *swoon*
Yes, it's from the Last Unicorn. And it's so pretty...I loved this scene in the movie, when all of the unicorns are freed from the ocean and come back. The border and faded color in this icon is lovely; it always makes me happy.
I love Belle. :)
The fish just looks so sad, and the dragonfly's going out of reach. I love the colors and the ripples, and the way the reflection fades back to the fish. This is one of my lonely icons.
I just got this, so I haven't used it yet--but it's so happy and unexpected! The kid's all alone, but she doesn't care. She has the sun, the sky, and the playground; what more does she need?
Everyone needs a "faerie queen and horse" icon. Right?
Haha, sure there's the figurative, but I like to use this on days when I lose my glasses.
This is excellent for when people are being stupid, or election days. Personally, I like using this one on election days.
Because in the end, the world will be a toxic waste dump filled with green goo, rats, and cockroaches.
Sometimes, you just have one of those days. That, and I love the bird look in its eyes. :D
This is so peaceful, but dynamic: everything's moving, but with a pattern and a simple beauty to it. (I really should start using this one.)