Oct 04, 2006 16:50
last week my mother finally heard from Allison after not hearing from her for quite a while she had the kids was the last thing we knew and the reason she called was because my mom started to get worried because she hadn't heard anything from her no phone calls no e-mails and the worry was meant to be there. Allison lost the kids AGAIN!... those poor children, this agency isn't looking out for what is best for the children they are just further screwing them up. well anyways after allison told my mother she would call her back of course we had to wait for her. so called on sunday late afternoon/ early evening and we found out that the kids we most likely going to be put up for adoption. this is such a scary thought if they were to go somewhere with a strange that hasn't been told anything their could be major issues. with all the things these kids have gone through stepping into this blind is a horrible plan. and i more certain people interested in adopting them with most likely not be told anything because they never what to add and assist the children they only wanted to aid and assist their agency's pockets. they didn't help us provide for the children they didn't make sure the children were getting to correct assistance they need. we found out so much about those kids while they we here. so much!...
My mother i know sometime she heads into things full force but most of the time it isn't because she is wrong its because she knows she is right and is sooooooo passionate about the situation. well with that said my mother wrote a letter to the judge handling the childrens case, in the letter she used a very powerful lawyer (who works in childcare issues) so she forwarded the letter to him also. that was yesterday and this morning she recieved a call from him and he told her that she has a very good possiblity to get the kids back now and he gave her 2 lawyers names that would be able to assist us. she left me a message alittle while ago, she got in touch with one of them and they will take the case probono (free of charge) and we have a meeting with her on monday at 3pm. i miss the kids so much and i was doing o.k. and being as strong as i could about it until Kallie's b-day rolled around (few days before mine) and i just could help but get upset i kept pushing my mom to call allison so we could wish kallie a happy 8th b-day. but of course like every other time the number we had to contact her was no longer in service. i think i could kinda tell this weren't going so good she lost them sept. 15th, 11 days after kallie's b-day. well anyways i needed to vent alittle about this all i got so upset earlier because all the guys in my life (dad, brother and boyfriend) are all kinda against the idea for adopting them. i want the kids so bad. it is just going to take my parents adopting them but i would take them on once it got to hard for them, not saying that i wouldn't help out now. i was with the kids most of everyday they were here, they made me so happy especially scotty. nothing is more powerful than watching a child grow and learn and love because you taught them how. waking up in the morning to little arms around your neck and the hearing the words "aimee-mommy, wake-up" it was so beautiful and i would give up everything to have that again. damn it i';m crying have to stop thinking about it.
Scotty and Kallie i will see you guys again and hopefully it will be for good. i love you both and miss the hell out of you guys!... I'll work on grandpa for you!... :)