THEY DID IT!! It was such a tense game and OMG when they won the fanzone I was at went CRAZY!!
Moments to remember -
- Not hearing the anthem due to shit sound, but everyone being so quiet during the haka so we could hear it!
- Kick off!!!!
- Woodcock's try. OMG, it was amazing.
- The nation's collective groan when Stephen Donald went on. Then the collective yelps and screams when he kicked the penelty!
- The final 10 minutes. Tear your hair out minutes. It was crazy hard to watch.
- When we had won. I cried. Not gonna lie. Best moment of my life.
- Seeing Mills, Colin and Dan getting medals. So glad they weren't left out.
- Richie holding the cup aloft. I cried again. It was super special.
- Hugging so many strangers down Courtney Place. Everyone was so happy!
- Getting interviewed by ZM (radio station) at around 2am.
- The general elated feeling nation wide.
- Walking down the street on Monday with my ABs flag and just getting lots of smiles.
Still so happy. Crazy happy. Its amazing.