Stuart Harris-Logan it would be - he's a honey! (I designed a web site for him way back and we're still good mates) His full name (and I kid you not here) is Stuart Angelus Alexander Harris-Logan, and this was way before Joss Whedon every came up with Angel or Xander...
*hugs you tight*
It's natural to be apprehensive about new situations like that - I'm not much of a club type person and I tend to get uncomfortable when I go to them. The best thing you can do is go, be aware of the bad things that can happen, guard against them certainly, but don't spend the whole time worrying about them. If the people you are with start to drink far more than you're comfortable being around then you need to tell them that, maybe not all of them but one or two of them. If they are counting on you to be the sober one who'll look after them, then if they know you're not happy they will calm down what they're doing.
Try to have fun though, and next time you're in the library come tell me all about it. (You can tell which desk is mine, it's against the wall and has comic strips and pictures taped up behind it - right now it's a Steve Carlson picture and one of the Madden pics)
*giggles* I wish my name was as cool as that! He should have been in Buffy! He looked a bit nervous but he was dead sweet :) Ask him if he remembers me lol.
Thanks for the advice hun, i feel like such an idiot for getting so worked up about it, the whole idea just frightens me. I have to go though, i'm a big enough of a freak as it is! I can't entirely trust the friends i'm going with either, espesh when they get a drink in them. I'll just go with the flow :)
*beams* okaydoke, i'll def come and see you then!(And Steve and one of the Madden's too *grins* is it Joey from Good Charlotte? or the brother? i can never remember his name lol. I bet i've got the other ones name wrong too!)
I'm off to watch Hell's Kitchen, thanks for listening to my stupid rant and not treating me like a child. You = AWESOMESAUCE!
*hugs you tight*
It's natural to be apprehensive about new situations like that - I'm not much of a club type person and I tend to get uncomfortable when I go to them. The best thing you can do is go, be aware of the bad things that can happen, guard against them certainly, but don't spend the whole time worrying about them. If the people you are with start to drink far more than you're comfortable being around then you need to tell them that, maybe not all of them but one or two of them. If they are counting on you to be the sober one who'll look after them, then if they know you're not happy they will calm down what they're doing.
Try to have fun though, and next time you're in the library come tell me all about it. (You can tell which desk is mine, it's against the wall and has comic strips and pictures taped up behind it - right now it's a Steve Carlson picture and one of the Madden pics)
Thanks for the advice hun, i feel like such an idiot for getting so worked up about it, the whole idea just frightens me. I have to go though, i'm a big enough of a freak as it is! I can't entirely trust the friends i'm going with either, espesh when they get a drink in them. I'll just go with the flow :)
*beams* okaydoke, i'll def come and see you then!(And Steve and one of the Madden's too *grins* is it Joey from Good Charlotte? or the brother? i can never remember his name lol. I bet i've got the other ones name wrong too!)
I'm off to watch Hell's Kitchen, thanks for listening to my stupid rant and not treating me like a child. You = AWESOMESAUCE!
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