ok, after this ep i had to go out for a walk to calm myself down!
Firstly a big thanks to everyone who uploaded this, seeing how i'm in Paris until July, it is really important that i get my SPN fix, i was weeks behind everyone in Frankfurt so this means a heck of a lot that i can watch it the day after it airs! *big SPN hugs*
I don't know why but i seriously adored this ep! Maybe it was because i've missed SPN during the whole Hiatus, i don't know, but i personally think this ep ROCKED!!!!!!!!!
I think what i loved most about it were all the details? The quote about Gilmore Girls(Sam's face?! Get's me every time!!!), the posters on the wall linking back to earlier ep's, the cheesy music at certain scenes, Dean eating all the time(making fun of Jared *giggles*), The fancy trailer with the big flat screen tv, the actors not being able to take speaking latin seriously, Dean really getting into the PA stuff, the fact Tara B took pics of everyone to kill time on set,the fact the camera-phone and gun scene gets used and written into the film, the shaking trailer *giggleblushes*, and of course Dean's mushed up hair *grins bashfully* - that kinda stuff really did it for me.
I also loved the fact that it was a more Dean-orientated ep?(I don't know if it was just me who thought that) He looked so cute when talkeing to Tara B! All those wee smiles! awwwwww! *squishes him*. Back to the main topic though, I felt like Sam was getting the space he needed to grieve Madison's death, and the fact he hardly smiled or never seemed to be enjoying himself was a great reminder of what Sam had just been through(Dean too). It did make me sad to see Sam so upset(I'm a Samgirl at heart) so i hope that he's okay in the next one!(although watching the trailer at the end of this ep i seriosuly doubt it *cries*)
All the lines to do with the supernatural? about how could the demon's hear the latin chant, or how ccan ghosts be scared of salt? LOVED IT!!!!!!! There was one scene where i was just waiting for Dean to give them the answer, i think it was to do with guns?
The quote's were hysterical, i had tears of laughter several times!!! For me, the best quotes were :
"Here on the right is Star's Hollow, the setting for the television show Gilmore Girls *Sam look's uncomfortable*...and if we're lucky we might even catch one of the show's stars..." *Sam looks at Dean who gives him the thumbs up, and Sam jumps of the buggy*(hee hee well done Jared for this scene)
"Does this seem like swimming pool weather to you Dean? I mean...it's practically Canadian."(I liked this poke at the whole Canada/weather/Vancouver thing)
"Who says horror has to be dark?"(Good point, SPN always manages to have humour in it somewhere *grins*)
"What's a PA?...I think they're kinda like slaves..." (*giggles uncontrollably* oh boys you make me giggle so!)
"The food these people get? I mean look at these things! They're like minature Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches, they're delicious!"(hee hee go Dean!)
"So what did you find out about the dead guy?"(okay okay, so it's not a funny or memorable line, but the fact Dean has food hanging out his mouth and Sam is totally engrossed by it he has to snap himself out of it? Probs one of my fave scenes ever!!!)
"I'll get right on that."(again, not that funny or memorable a line but Dean's wee smile to himself when he see's Tara B, before uttering that line with a full mouth? PRICELESS!!!! I loved the wee sneak of the lines too *grins* oh dean :D)
"That's a cut!!!...If only i could say cut."(awww poor guy! but Dean was funny *grins*)
"I dunno, it's not so bad, i kinda feel like part of the team, you know?" (*squishes Dean* he's like a wee boy here!)
"Maybe the spirits are trying to shut doown the movie coz they think it sucks...coz i mean, it kinda does..."
"You are one hell of a PA!" (*nods* indeed!)
And finally, the walking off into the sunset scene at the end, so totally AWESOME!!!!
All in all, this was a fab episode and i loved it! Job well done boys!!!