(no subject)

Aug 25, 2004 13:24


Ive been thinking bout what its gonna be like when i go back to kings in a few weeks-
Kings is a school-but it also acts as a college for when your 16-19 and u have your seperate areas form the school kids and you dont get to wear uniform-they let u smoke-basically its set in a school but u dont have to act like your in school at all because it acts seperate and as a college...

I have a lot of memories from when i was at school there when i was young and i was "happy".
I think part of me wants to go back there because i feel that i am going to be re united with those memories-but i know that they have ended-There are also some fuckin terrible memories from bein there-like when i had to battle with this fucked up anxiety disorder mathingy and some other stuff blah!
I know that there are gonna be alot of people there that am not going to like and i am not going to have anything in common with-but im goin there so i can concentrate on my courses n stuff-I hope that there will be people there actually like-i know that there are gonna be people there from when i was at school with-i dont know how they will be with me though0if they are gonna be welcoming or what-one girl especially who i used to be best mates with and shared some of the most happiest times with is still there and we fell out years ago because of this other girl-all very confusing-i dont know how that is gonna be-she kinda made it up to me on fuckin prom night-by sayin she didnt want anything bad to still be between us....so maybe we'll get on how we used to when we were 13-14????

This whole thing is gonna be ??? im lookin foward to goin back in there and bein like " Fuck yes!!" but then im a little nervous at the same time because i dont know how people are gonna accept me or whatever-i suppose its like that wherever you go-but if youve left and then come back its possibly different.
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