We all remember the notes that were dropped by all the hostile ghosts on night 15 including the unbeatable ones oh god but I was starting to wonder if anyone else had plans to grab them all THINK POKEMON! other than me and Audio.
So can I have a quick roll call of which characters grabbed/intends to grab which note from what ghost so that Marth and Link don't end up accidentally getting doubles? What? It's a fetch quest that involves killing things and traversing the entire house to get them, these two are totally game.
This is just for my curiosity and planningness; if you want to try going for all the notes too then by all means feel free! |Da
Mother's Ghost - Link & Marth
Broken Neck Ghost - Watanuki & Break
Twisted Girl - Mio
Freezer Woman - Mio
Burning Man
Art Enthusiast
Crawling Boy
Hospital Room Boy
Hanging Man's Ghost
Screaming Woman
Needle Woman
Mistletoe Ghost(?)
FOR REFERENCE SAKE; Night 15 ghosts found
here All of the remaining ghosts are considered 'undefeatable'; brainstorming how to beat them time is go! @____@